Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 30 MAY 12

I've been having wonderful conversations with sane people all over the US via video conferencing. It would be nice if someone would listen to us in a critical, non-tainted manner. Ideas in the public forum are worth examining. One-sided propaganda funded by those who want us to hand over the keys to the country to them seem to be quite effective. De-funding education seems to have been working for these manipulators over the past 40 years.

I'm quite upset with the news that Florida is running massive voter purges again to counter non-existent voter fraud. James O'Keefe is reported to have tried to fraudulently obtain ballots in New Hampshire: He may face charges and would be subpoenaed before a grand jury if he were to go to the state. The article also covers Governor Skeletor's voter purges in Florida.

It's so distressing that people continue to buy the lies and fraudulent actions of administrations who are in business to turn the United States into an oligarchy in which the wealthy and their minions rule as dictators.

People seem to be quite willing to believe outrageous lies, and then work against their own interests. The winners of the 2012 election have been declared: the media. Their coffers are being filled with "free speech"; money from the wealthy and corporations throughout the world. Who can believe that a corporation in China, Germany, France, England, Japan or elsewhere should be able to influence elections in this country? This is not democracy by any stretch of the imagination. It is rule by wealth; rule by sociopaths and psychopaths.

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