Saturday, June 30, 2012

Goddam Welfare Mamas!

Illinois, the state that is pretty much at the bottom in caring for its elderly just sent out a letter that says, "the Circuit Breaker Property Tax Relief Grant will be eliminated effective July 1, 2012." 

The Illinois Department on Aging sent a letter a few weeks ago informing the least among us that the Circuit Breaker prescription drug assistance program was being terminated.

There's just no money left after giving billions to welfare cheats to come here and rape us for profit.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 28 JUN 12

Comment on Obamacare SCOTUS decision. I'm just so pissed off that these idiots won't think.

Gene d., Malta, il (Gene Savory) wrote on June 28, 2012 11:15 p.m. ...
Yes, there is absolutely NO PRECEDENT for requiring people to buy health care or anything else, except for the Militia Act of 1792 that required members (conscripted) to buy their own supplies for militia use, and the Maritime Hospital Act of 1798. The Maritime Act provided medical care to merchant sailors, with a MANDATE that they pay for medical access from their wages, until the 1980s. What are you guys smoking? Actually, we need Medicare for all - part of its original design. Administrative overhead of 1.4% compared to over 20% in for-profit insurance companies. Go read something.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 24 JUN 12

My friend is in the hospital with a broken pelvis, lesions on his liver and lungs, a PSA level five times the norm, and degenerated bones in his legs. He doesn't have a diagnosis, but it looks quite serious and life changing. Testing last week should provide more detail by tomorrow.

His big problem is goddamn health insurance. He is now paying $300/month and his boss is kicking in another $300/month. He cannot afford it without working. His boss is currently absorbing the whole premium of $600/month, but will have to terminate the payments if he cannot return to work soon.

What is this shit with holding a person hostage with medical bills? Civilized countries don't have billing departments in their hospitals.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 21 JUN 12

I've got too much shit on my plate, and I'm tired of eating shit.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 19 JUN 12

The model is wrong. In order to follow the dictates of their charters, corporations must continually grow and produce in order to generate a profit. In a living organism, this is known as cancer - uncontrolled growth. Each process consumes the host by depleting resources, and it applies in both cases - that of the organism and that of the planet. The outcome is that the host can no longer provide resources for the process, and it dies.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 12 JUN 12

Let's get this out of the way right now: You may label me a communist, fascist, socialist, Nazi, pastafarian, philatelist, botanist, lepidopterist, and so on. It doesn't change the truth.

It is obvious that unlimited cash in our political process is pure poison, and it is time to change to public financing of elections. Now, before the smoke pouring from your ears sets off the alarms and sprinklers, absorb this: our elections are already publicly financed. We just don't have any control over the distribution of that money. Before you start screaming about the evil "redistribution of wealth," note that it's already being taken and redistributed, and we don't have any control over that process; it is undemocratic; we are attempting to run a democracy (OK, democratic republic for the nit-pickers) through a clearly anti-democratic process that allows a tiny population of wealthy sociopaths and their institutions to choose and install their minions at the levers of power in our government. If you need a local example, In the 16th Congressional District primary held in March, Republican Adam Kinzinger was the beneficiary of  $224,529 in campaign support against Republican Don Manzullo from Campaign for Primary Accountability, a Super PAC based in Texas. Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor also pitched in $25,000 to support Kinzinger against a fellow Republican. Negative campaign advertising and tactics pushed by a flood of unregulated cash proved successful - Manzullo could not afford to combat the tidal wave of distortions and lies and he lost the election.

Elected officials are our employees, but they spend as much as half their time trying to raise money for election. They are not working for us when they're dialing for dollars. Our employees are not spending their time working for us; they're begging for money, rewarding their patrons, and ignoring the needs of the overwhelming majority of the American people. True public financing is a medicine we need to treat this disease - the distorted, undemocratic system that is drowning us with money and lies.

And my sister is a thespian.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wandering Through My Mind 07 JUN 12

Where do we put those pot heads?

The world envies our gated communities!