Capitalism depends upon the fantasy of unlimited resources. Some god or gods will provide the stuff that our gluttony depends upon, without regard for balance.
When we have consumed this planet, we will move on to the next. Does that sound familiar? It's a common theme that we have seen in countless stories of extraterrestrial aliens who come to take our planet for its raw materials, and even humans for food.
Before considering consuming other planets, humans have been practicing on each other through empire building and unfettered production and consumption. Ever since the first organized humans began pushing smaller, weaker bands and other species out of the way in pursuit of water, game, plants and other resources, we have been witnessing our very short sighted pursuit of more in the face of less.
As we have accumulated knowledge of our environments, many have chosen to invoke quite dangerous beliefs such as denying that there are any limits to resources, or that supernatural beings will protect us from ourselves. It ain't gonna happen.
It may be that the only thing that will save our planet from an early demise is our extinction.
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