Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Zygote as Blueprint

A zygote is a person in the same sense that a blueprint is a functioning ocean going vessel. There are differences that thinking people will immediately understand.

I'll try to administer some more medicine to the dead in hopes that Lazarus is a feasible option, but won't become too much more depressed over the highly likely failure of my effort.

A ship cannot go to sea if it's only a concept in a blueprint, like a set of rules established by the joining of male and female DNA. Once the construction crew finishes the masterful tasks involved in building the ship, it cannot function until its crew has been trained and has had modification in procedure that enable that ship to perform its duties as designed, and even learn to exceed those performance requirements. This is the reason that humans are typically not granted the full rights of citizenship until a certain age.

But, training aside, the essence is that a blueprint is not a finished and viable product. The instructions in the DNA contained in a zygote are not equivalent to a human being.

Those who believe in birth at all costs, without responsibility and support from society, are lunatics. The dangerous thing is that they are lunatics who have been working to destroy education, and have been successful in simultaneously barking for "less government" while legislating second class citizenship and outright oppression for the majority of the citizens of the United States of America..

My Bachelor of Science is in Education. Right wingers refuse to use the skills that I have; preferring to use the propaganda of the psychopaths and sociopaths who believe that society is only for the powerful in their efforts to acquire more than any person can possibly need.

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