Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Pain management request

I sent the following message to my pain management doctor after discussing access to the Illinois Medical Cannabis Program. As you will see, this is not a "nastygram," but borders on it.

Letter to doctor:

During our meeting last week, when I brought up the topic of medical cannabis it seems that you immediately decided that I was seeking access to THC to become "stoned," and you didn't branch out to the topic of cannabidiol, or CBD. This component of cannabis has medical uses that include treatment of chronic pain. I didn't respond with this argument at the time because I was waiting to see if you would breach the topic. The reason that I would like to access medical cannabis is that there is a quality control requirement involved in state and FDA approval of medicines; "street" access to cannabis does not have any quality measurement. Accurate analysis of cannabis can show percentages of CBD and THC, and properly screened drugs can be used in a controlled manner. My searches into uses of CBD indicate that it may have a positive effect on my pain, and analysis can find products with less than 0.3% THC and up to 24% CBD. I think this is a valid avenue to examine.

The politicians and drug warriors want to keep anything illegal for their own purposes, which include keeping our prisons full and single molecule medicines highly profitable.

I'm not interested in getting "loaded." I want to control the pain. Look into CBD please.

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